Healthcare In The USA After Obamacare

Healthcare In The USA After Obamacare

impeach trump
When Trump Removes the ACA People Will DIE

Some of the most crucial aspects of healthcare coverage have been torn out of Obamacare. How long until Republicans finish the demolition job Donald Trump started? They can no longer patch over any new damage. Oh, they tried to throw a tarp over it with the AHCA, or “Trumpcare.”


There seems to be little concern that political games to serve our corrupted medical universities, institutions, hospitals, drugs, insurance profits are killing the senior citizens.
This Is Your Healthcare Check List

Get Good Health Insurance

Usually, the first ones to ask you are the ones you need to say no to. You had better shop and compare. That’s too much information for me to be responsible for updating. Fortunately, these people have it all worked out for every state with computer programs.

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As long as politicians are drunk with power
The USA will not be healthy!

Here’s what box McConnell will use to hold all the House legislation that he is blocking.


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Petition to the Senators

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Get A Better Medicare Policy

calling all those insurance agencies can be a huge task. You have to understand the lingo and legal terms. Predict what sorts of health problems you might have in the future. It’s hard to even know the most basic questions you should be asking to make a real comparison.

You don’t have to go through the selection alone. An online service can do the whole thing in a few minutes. So go ahead and compare your medicare Plan options.


let your computer do the comparisons

Get Medicare Gap Policy

Medicare covers most but not all. This makes you vulnerable to a financial emergency if you go to the hospital. There are many nasty surprises that can happen when you have gaps in your coverage. A needed procedure might not be covered, a certain specialist you need, a prescription is denied, even a form error when you first got your policy could rob you of life-saving coverage.

healthcare after obamacare costs
Follow the MONEY

Be Legally Prepared

You may have to sue to get insurance providers to honor their contracts. You may also need a lawyer if you are harmed by things like unsafe drugs and stints. It is also nice to defend your children from probate problems with a living will.

There are many legal issues concerning health care and end of life care. You will need to understand policies and contracts along the way. Protect your rights when you are in an assisted living arrangement.

Trump, the DC Arsonist, Gets Arrested

Medical Supplies May Become Scarce

Lack of access to healthcare coverage since Trump took over Obamacare leads to lack of sales for home health aids. Seniors have many new products that are life improving, but only if they can get the costs covered. Meanwhile companies that make medical, orthopedic, safety equipment face going out of business. 

Better Get Life Insurance


As long as Republicans have enough power to stall and undo progress, your life is on the line. Their policy on healthcare after the end of Obamacare can be summed up as, “Hurry up and die already!”

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