Malcolm Nance Is Back In Ukraine
Malcolm Nance Is Back In Ukraine
Malcolm Nance was Stateside to launch his latest new book, They Want To Kill Americans. He appears in person on the Stephanie Miller Show talking about defending democracy on an Eastern front against Russia and a Western front against Trumpism. He has now back in Ukraine keeping up the fight.
He always checks in with Stephanie Miller, often before appearing on network news channels. On this joyous reunion the talk quickly got serious. I believe the conversation went like this, edited for online formatting.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know.
Stephanie Miller:
Oh my gosh. especially in a freshly shorn military haircut. Good morning.
Malcolm Nance:
Good morning greetings from Kiev Ukraine.
Stephanie Miller:
We posted all of the pictures from your big welcome home party at my house last week and people are still so excited to see you and celebrate you. I have to say, you are everybody’s hero.
Malcolm Nance:
There were some actually great photos in there. That one you took a Frangella, that was a great photo. Jill singing solo and everything. That was a great party. We have to do it again.
Stephanie Miller:
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Well, you have to come home safe again and we will do it again. On a weekend night. I will have a party every time you come home. So by the way, I’ve been reading the book, They Want To Kill Americans and I want to ask how you feel that we finally found out yesterday that Donald Trump is under investigation.
Malcolm Nance:
Well, just utterly amazing. I really didn’t see the news until this morning. It was about nine hours after it’s been released. I was just flabbergasted. First off, that the Department of Justice is actually doing something. So I guess we owe it to those people on Twitter who have been saying the Justice Department just keeps their mouths shot. Well, apparently they do. But let’s see if it will actually manifest itself before democracy ends.
Stephanie Miller:
Yeah. I just have to say. Somebody, Frederick Joseph, tweeted. He said as a black man who’s have multiple New York Times bestselling books. Let’s talk about the black experience in publishing and you just said every damn word of this thread is true. I’ve had five New York Times bestsellers in a row. It’s I said to you when you were here. Malcolm, we were just talking in the living room.
This is what Eric Boehlert always just to talk about, is the mainstream media. I feel like the fact that you don’t get as celebrated as you should. It’s because you make the media look bad. Because you wrote the Plot To Hack America before the 2016 election about it. So, the New York Times has Pulitzers about their Trump Russia reporting. You told us before it happened. Also, you told us about January six before it happened.
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Malcolm Nance:
The Times has Pulitzers? Anyone who wants to nominate me for a Pulitzer, this September is the time period. The funny thing is No, I don’t think it’s so much about the media. Now I’ve learned quite a bit about the media. That’s why that guy’s thread really got to me.
It was based on a Joyce Carol Oates comment that publishers couldn’t, if you’re a white male, you couldn’t get a publishing deal to save your life or something along that lines. Then another person came back and said, No, what you’re finding out now. For those of you who were mediocre white male writers. It’s competition. That is what’s determining what’s happening right now.
There are just a lot of great books by women of color, men of color but the author of that original post is right about one thing. We don’t get marketing at the level that even some of the most mediocre writers get, you know for you guys have done a wonderful job. I mean, my book is now going up another notch from the New York Times Bestsellers List. So if you haven’t gotten it, get the book, but I’m not so concerned about that. Or the fact that I’ve never had a puff piece done about me. There has never been a, hey this is Malcom Nance and this is where he came from story, written about me.
When you read the New York Times Review of Books, and New York Times Magazine, all these other venues. Hey, who’s this mediocre guy? Don’t write about right wingers. Good God, they will write about them. Everything there is to know about them. But some really good writers. Others like Sarah Kinzi, I’ve never seen a puff piece about her, and other people in the liberal sphere. Who can make the Times Bestsellers List. I have five books in a row on the New York Times Top 10 bestsellers. Nothing. Not interested.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolmâs book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know.
Stephanie Miller:
But let’s talk about, because you talk about in the book. About how, we joke we call you Nance-strodamas but you’re just saying it’s not an accident. It’s your 30 years of intelligence gathering, of how you analyze what you analyze. That you saw January 6, coming when, you say, everybody else was singing Kumbaya, like Oh, thank God. Trump’s gone. Oh, great. We’re all going to get along now. As you say, you predicted this before January 6 happened.
Malcolm Nance:
Yeah. And people were like, oh, geez, what’s he gonna say next? Right. The whole thing about making predictions and not being believed is what the demigoddess Cassandra. Because the god Apollo gave her the gift of foresight and then condemned her to never being believed. So just call me black Cassandra. I don’t know what I’ve ever done to Apollo. I know what I’ve done to the Trump administration. Then they went after me hard, in many places, They pulled me off air at one point on MSNBC to satisfy the Attorney General.
So you know, people who are out there who are telling the truth or writing these books. I didn’t sit on anything for two years to get this deal.
Stephanie Miller:
What’s our who’s our favorite science writer Laurie Garrett? They call her the Cassandra of COVID. Again, same thing. You’re right. When they call you Cassandra, it’s because people hate you. They don’t want to hear it, but she called exactly how bad COVID would be.
Malcolm Nance:
This book is not a joke. I chose that title to frighten you. I want to see that book sitting on bookshelves at number one. Now I don’t have 100,000 copies being bought in one hour by a political action committee, and then given out for 10 cents at a convention the way the Republicans do. Well your listeners are the ones who got this on the Times Bestsellers List.
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Stephanie Miller:
It also goes to why it is so important that there is accountability for Donald Trump. That’s what your whole book is about. This is an ongoing insurgency and I’m thinking of you this Matthew Ballenger, a former Marine with neo Nazi ideology plotted with a group known as Rape Krieg to engineer a killing spree of non white people. As well as mass rapes of white women to increase white fertility.
Federal prosecutors say while he was a Marine, he plotted far more serious crimes as part of a neo Nazi group. The memo says he trained with Airsoft guns in the woods of Long Island as part of a plot to attack the Zionist order of governments. There’s everything you write about in your book, about all of these groups.
Malcolm Nance:
He would just be another three sentences in my book. There are at least 10 other guys like him that I’ve already illustrated in the book. There’s a key part of this that you’ve all heard before. I’ve heard that before. That was in The Turner Diaries, the book that Timothy McVeigh used, these people are still using it as a template. To mass murder, blacks, whites, Jews, and you know, the having the day of the rope, but Rape Kreig we had heard before. We actually heard it here in Ukraine. That the Russians were planning this rape warfare in order to carry out genocide.
Stephanie Miller:
I think people like you would have had a big effect, which is fantastic. Because it passes it to the next generation to say what you just said in this book. Connect all these mass shootings to Trump ideology. I feel like the media is too afraid to call it that. These are the GOP Trump talking points that inspired this massacre, and that massacre, and this one.

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know.
Malcolm Nance:
Right. They are very obvious. I mean, the El Paso shooter. Trump had just made the speech. This kid had to drive 12 hours to mass murder people. Did you notice he didn’t stop in any other part of Texas? You can stop outside Dallas. He didn’t go down to Austin. He drove to El Paso where you could see Mexico from the car and he assumed everybody in this Walmart was a Mexican. No, they were all Americans for the most part.
He mass murdered Americans to make his point. There all of these shooters who are connected by ideology, by template, by their weapon system they choose, by their age. Look, if, if there’s no one not doing this, as a cadre of the self radicalized. If they were Muslims, we would say they were self radicalized, suicide bombers. These are also self radicalized. The only difference is these guys don’t commit suicide. They stay alive to propagate the message later. The way Anders Breivik did it in Norway. One in the same.
Stephanie Miller:
Well, of course I say this. Because this could have been out of your first book The Plot To Hack America and that first book on Trump, etc. But Russia’s war in Ukraine is grinding to a standstill. Pundits on Russian state TV this week openly fantasize about how much easier the entire operation would have been if Trump were still in the White House. Also, they went on to say Russia needs to create a total internal breakdown in the United States and that Trump was just the man to make it happen. Openly fantasizing about a second Trump term wrecking America.
Malcolm Nance:
Yeah, and Trump views all of this as a badge of honor. Oh, there would have been no Ukrainian war. You’re right. He was the man who was impeached for stopping the original javelins shipments to this country. We worship the Javelin missile here. I’m Javelin qualified. We have Saint Javelin here. You got your little Javelin up there. By the way, those Javelin missiles and stuff. (plush toy -Ed.) Javelins can only be purchased in Ukraine. You can’t get it in the States.
So my point being, Donald Trump knew this and wanted it stopped. Then Russia would have rolled through this country. With a little less difficulty, but they could have possibly succeeded. If Donald Trump had been here. He is a traitor. Let’s be honest, the man is just a straight up traitor, and now seditionist under investigation.
Stephanie Miller:
By the way, new study, no path out of economic oblivion for Russia as sanctions crushed Putin’s regime. That is solely because of President Biden uniting our allies. Also, the strength of the sanctions, right?

Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know.
Malcolm Nance:
Absolutely. Look, Russia needs to be broken on many different levels. And the Ukrainians are doing their part. Okay, they’re there. You don’t see any Americans here except for those who volunteered like me. Ukrainians are fighting this war. All they want is the appropriate quantity of weapons. To save the eastern wall of democracy. To shore it up and make sure that Russia is appropriately punished.
Now again, it’s your job to save the Western Wall of democracy, which is crumbling, let’s be honest, it’s crumbling. No number of hearings is going to save us this November. Unless every Democrat from this moment on mobilizes. My AR-15’s at home have way more rights than any one of you women. They do. Your uterus has no rights.
They are literally planning The Handmaid’s Tale. As for my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters like my daughter. They’re coming for you next. Gay marriage on the table, already being spoken out loud. I know that makes Travis upset. So for the rest of you, I want you to join our our team to preserve marriage. So you can be just as happy and as blissful as the rest of us.
Stephanie Miller:
Listen to Malcolm Nance, for God’s sake! Go get the book They Want To Kill Americans. Let’s get this to number one on the New York Times Bestseller List.
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Malcolm Nance:
Yes, Also don’t forget. We need donations to to help us out here. We launched it for the Legion. To buy ambulances and non lethal things for the International Legion.
Stephanie Miller:
Yeah, so Malcolm Nance, when you come home we can have another come home party, and I can smush your face. Because you were a lot furrier here. Okay. Love you stay safe.
They Want to Kill Americans: The Militias, Terrorists, and Deranged Ideology of the Trump Insurgency
Get it now to prepare for the counterattack against the coup, the media, and the resultant poisoned discourse.
This book is the manual of how we need to Counterattack the Coup that Donald Trump and his cronies and partisans attempted. Expect continued plots that kill Americans!
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Sexy Stephy Says:
One way to fight back is buy Malcolm’s book The Plot to Destroy Democracy and read it and give it to everybody you know.
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