Russian Advance Into Ukraine Stalls -Here’s Why
Russian Advance Into Ukraine Stalls and Here’s Why
The Russian army convoy column’s advance into Ukraine stalls. Malcolm Nance comes on the Stephanie Miller Show and says here’s why Putin may suffer defeat in his invasion of Ukraine.
Read and learn with intelligence expert, Malcolm Nance. He just came back from the Ukraine with a closer look at the Russian army invasion against Ukraine. Here he comments on Biden’s State of the Union Address 2022, Russian army invasion of Ukraine, low morale of deceived Russian soldiers, and the troubled tank convoy columns.
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Stephanie Miller:
Good morning, sir. First of all your immediate thoughts on the State of the Union speech last night.
Malcolm Nance:
Loved this speech. You know what? My biggest problem is not with the Republicans anymore. My biggest problem was with these Democrats. Who don’t like Joe Biden. Who think Joe Biden isn’t the next FDR and give them everything they wanted? That pushed him down to a 39% approval rating.
That speech was awesome, and if that doesn’t remind you why we elected him President with 81 million votes. Then we’re just going to lose everything this November. Because everybody’s being you know, namby pamby about. I didn’t get this I didn’t get that. That was a great speech.
America is now leading again in the world, and then you have these two children in the audience. Giving hissy fits. Could be that Lauren Bovard and Marjorie Taylor Green could be the leadership of the House of Representatives next year. Because Democrats won’t vote. Or they’re not madly in love with Joe Biden the way Republicans are with Donald Trump.
Stephanie Miller:
I’ve said over and over, Malcolm, he has accomplished more in one year than any President ever. I think it is proven. Whether it’s economically, on COVID, in terms of Ukraine and uniting the world. I have to say, you’re the intelligence expert here. I’ve been pretty shocked.
I’m no military or intelligence expert, but what the Ukrainian people accomplished. I mean, all these latest reports we’re seeing of Russians surrendering to them, sabotaging their own tanks, and tipping Ukraine off to an assassination attempt on Zelinsky. All of this doesn’t seem like what Putin bargained for did he?
Malcolm Nance:
No, your audience has been the beneficiary of me talking about this every week while I was over there in that month, meeting these people. Seeing these people. It was very clear to me the Russians would not have an easy time. Now it’s becoming even more clear to me that the Russians, in fact, could lose this war. Now I’m the only one in news media saying it.
Everybody’s just going by Pentagon assessments. Alright. We used to contribute to those Pentagon assessments. They’re always the most dangerous course of action and worst case course of action. So what about the best case course of action for the Ukrainians? Some people are saying we’re setting ourselves up for disappointment by relying so much on the Ukrainian news media and what we’re seeing. What we’re seeing are facts.
The Russian army invasion is not going quickly. It’s not. They are being caught in many places as prisoners. People are surrendering. Groups of guys are running out of fuel and they just give up the tanks. You are seeing it everywhere.
Stephanie Miller:
You were talking to somebody Malcolm. I just quickly said, why Russia will lose this war. Much of the realist discourse is about accepting Putin’s victory because it’s guaranteed. How do we know it is? I’ll argue that analysts, one overrate the Russian army. Two, underestimate Ukrainians. Three, misunderstand Russian strategy and political goals. And you just said I am one of those analysts who thinks that Ukraine could ultimately win. I mean, the experts were saying Kiev would fall in a day or two days tops. right?
Malcolm Nance:
It was 24 to 72 hours. Also, I was talking to a group of friends including one who writes for a major magazine, and they were like. Well, US intelligence is saying seven days. Really? Because tomorrow is seven days here. They’re nowhere near the city. The two incursions which were allowed into the city.
One of them was allowed into the city, and they massacred those people on a boulevard. As soon as I heard they were on that boulevard, I thought. Why would you ever be on that boulevard? Because the zoos on the left and hig skyscrapers are on the right. They led them in to kill them. It was a kill zone.
So you know the Ukrainians are fighting and it’s home field advantage. They know what you’re doing. And they are motivated and that when you got the will and the skill, it equals kill, and the Ukrainians are all about that. You watch, they got some good propaganda videos there.
Like the soldier going, Hey, little brother, why are you here? Don’t you know we’re a bunch of pissed off Ukrainians. You’re coming in with 150,000. There’s 5 million of us in Kiev alone. Ukraine has 40 million people there and they’re all angry.
Stephanie Miller
Malcolm, talk to us about this convoy. You said there’s conflicting reports about the length of this convoy. Military convoys don’t move end to end like that. By small units. You said units may spread out over 40 miles but that’s not all combat strength. Many are vulnerable support units.
Malcolm Nance is the greatest author and intelligence expert in the anti-Trump Antifa resistance movements. He told you so before and during Trumpâs election campaign. Now hrâs back with more confirmation and conformation about our nationâs most criminal White House occupants. Also their domestic terrorists. Another must-read from Nance.
âThe Plot to Betray America :Â How Team Trump Embraced Our Enemies, Compromised Our Security, and How We Can Fix Itâ
Malcolm Nance:
I’m sure what we’re looking at is we’re looking at Vladimir Putin giving the commanding generals an ultimatum. Right. You will move on Kiev with everything you have. Well, they went down the two precise axes that I had predicted. Because I drove those roads.
That one goes up through Chernobyl and the other one that goes up through this area of Buka near the Antonov Aircraft factory. Then I predicted there would be these heliborne assaults by special forces and the Russian paratrooper forces. I saw one of the videos of that yesterday that’s finally come out.
They were shooting helicopters down left and right, like six in one 20 second video. They really took it to these Russians. They took that airfield back and now all of those trucks, armored vehicles, and tanks on, really, two roads and they’re not major roads. They’re small roads. These are two vehicle roads, and they’re lined up down there. Everybody in the news media goes.
It’s a massive army. I see it and I can only holy cow. This was the greatest ambush since Hell’s Highway in the Battle of Mufah Ridge in Kuwait City in 1991. Where we slaughtered 400 vehicles that were trying to leave Kuwait City. They don’t have our air power, but they have airpower. They have artillery, they have rockets, and they have guys with guns and rockets, who would just run through that place like the Avengers. These attacks are already happening.
So if you wonder why over the last 48 hours, you haven’t heard anything about that convoy moving, it’s because they’re getting hit left and right. They’re using drones on them, MIG-29’s. All sorts of stuff. They’re just so many targets to kill. I mean, there was another convoy in the South. That was of a greater danger to the Ukrainian army. Near Prybisk, and they hit that with fighter aircraft they destroyed, they claim, 800 vehicles. There’s video of at least 150 to 250 of those vehicles that will marshaled all together. On fire. So this stuff is happening.
What we have to do is say news media does not have good analysts. and I’m not on all the time. So what they do is they get caught up in these cycles of oh, there’s a convoy and I’m already two days ahead of them going that convoy is being slaughtered. Then four days from now we’ll hear them say, oh, it’s not making any progress. In five days, they’ll go, oh, it was attacked five days ago.
Stephanie Miller:
For those of us that aren’t military experts, it’s hard to understand how one of the largest, most powerful militaries in the world, how are they running out of food and fuel and it does seem extraordinary that we’re hearing all this. Even them sabotaging their own tanks, or surrendering, or not knowing why they were there, thinking they were going for exercises.
Malcolm Nance:
It’s as simple is this. The competence of the Russian army, the estimations of them, were based on the technology of their advanced tanks and advanced infantry systems. But there is one fundamental factor that many news media and these, these defense analyst and even the Pentagon didn’t factor in correct. They’re Russians. Okay, and you have to take into account they just went from a conscript prisoner based army to a contract army. Just in the last 10 years.
The American army has been contract based volunteers who want to fight for the last 60 years. The Russians have not and these guys didn’t expect. Most of the soldiers were not told they were going to fight in Ukraine, only the officers were told that. So these soldiers don’t want to fight the war. This isn’t Vietnam level. We don’t want to fight the war because these guys are good at it. They don’t want to fight from the very beginning. So how do you win a war with soldiers that sabotage themselves? How do you win with guys who won’t fight?
Stephanie Miller:
You and also somebody tweeted about Russians are destroying the Kiev TV tower. They’re trying to cut us off from communication. Then you said, are you attacking this is another symbol of frustration in the slowness of their approach. They thought they’d win quickly and seize all infrastructure intact. This is a sign they’re going to destroy all prominent symbols of Kiev. I mean, the danger to me is obviously the reports.
Malcolm Nance:
My first day in Kiev, I saw that tower and I said that thing’s going to go.
Stephanie Miller:
I guess you know what I was saying is, what gets scary for those of us lay people was, you know, reports of how angry and frustrated Putin is getting. Already seems pretty detached from reality. What do you see in terms of what the fear is? What is he going to do as he becomes more and more humiliated on the world stage?
Malcolm Nance:
Well, apparently, we were not very good at predicting this. Even people who were intimate and close to him are quite baffled at what he’s doing and how he’s doing it. So all bets are off the table about what he’s going to do. I suspect that if he really gets a thumping, I’m going to tell you something. Those big arrows that you see on television with whole sections of Ukraine taken, those are incorrect. The only thing they’ve taken is the highways that they’re on.
So none of that terrain in between Highway A and Highway B has been occupied by Russian forces. They’re occupied by Ukrainian citizens. Since they’re not maneuvering off of these roads, the Ukrainian army knows how to maneuver and get around and behind you and beside you and wipe you out. With the help of citizens who are calling in saying. Here’s truck A, here’s Convoy B.
This stuff is going to be bad for Russia, I suspect in the end. Then I suspect that Putin will call a national emergency or mobilize a million conscripts, and then attempt to come down there and do what the Nazis did in 1940.
Stephanie Miller:
Quickly before you go, just I have to say I think of you of course, all the time. All of the books you’ve written and how early you’ve warned about all this. Just what has happened, the moment we find ourselves in. Where you have Trump, Pompeo, and Fox News, openly rooting for Putin, but massively being repudiated really, by the rest of the world. I mean, to the extent I don’t know how you felt about the President not even mentioning it last night. In terms of just this whatever we want to call them, the traitor caucus in America.
Malcolm Nance:
That’s pretty good name. As you know, I was a Republican very early on in my career, but I was a Colin Powell style Republican. Strong on national security, hard on Russian foreign policy, and liberal on social issues. Now, that caucus, by those people? We’re considered the far left. Okay, that’s how far to the right the Republicans have gone. They hate any victory for a Democrat in national security, to the point where they will openly side with our enemies. That’s where we are now in America.
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They become not opposition, but contrarians. So whatever you do, I hate you. I’m going to do the opposite. This is just not the way to do business. The most we can do is try to stave them off. Now I’m going to cycle back to being angry at the Democrats. There’s no reason 20% of Democrats should not approve of Joe Biden’s performance. There’s no reason for it. He should be having approval ratings in the 60s.
If you add that 20% of oh, I’m disappointed. I didn’t get my lollipop group of Democrats. They are particularly the progressives. You’re getting way more than you ever would have gotten with anyone including Trump. Everyone wanted FDR. Well, you might be getting FDR in 1939. If you don’t look out, and we don’t win again in November. Only this time the America First movement that supported the Nazis would be in charge. We would just abandon everybody and then nuclear Pearl Harbor happens. This is not a game people!
Stephanie Miller:
We’ve got to stay united, Malcolm. Because the polling that’s most frustrating is what is it? 75% of the American people are against the thing what Putin is doing as wrong. But the percentage of Republicans still don’t think Joe Biden’s doing the right thing. Even though he’s doing everything they’re asking in the polling. It’s gotten so tribal and so reflexive. Whatever Biden does, they don’t like it.We have to say, stay united on our side.
Malcolm Nance:
What about the 57% that say we’re in a recession? It’s the greatest economy in the last two decades, and everyone believes that we’re in a crisis. Republicans, they’re just know how to message horrible things better than Democrats. Democrats need to start saying we’re good at this. We’re great. The economy’s awesome. Well, the President did last night.
Alright, we’re out of time. Thank you for your service, Sir. As always, we will talk to you next week.