
Elizabeth Warren Planning Page

Elizabeth Warren 2020 Campaign Planning Page

Introducing our new Warren for President Campaign planning page. See what she’s planning to spur American progress.

Warren for President
Ever found yourself excited to tell a friend about one of Elizabeth’s plans, but can’t remember the specifics?
Want to know more about Elizabeth’s plan to tackle the climate crisis head on, end corruption in Washington, reinvest in rural America, and more? Curious about her positions on major issues you care about? Wondering what the deal is with just two cents?

You asked, we answered:

Introducing elizabethwarren.com/plans — a new centralized hub where you can find both Elizabeth’s plans and the positions she supports on issues you care about in one, easy-to-use place. Ready to take a look? Click here to see all of Elizabeth’s plans and more.

Here you’ll see where Elizabeth stands on the issues that matter most to you and your family — health care, foreign policy, LGBTQ+ rights, and much more. You’ll also find some of your favorite plans…and maybe even discover a few new favorites.

Check out the Social Security calculator to see how much your Social Security benefits will increase under Elizabeth’s plan.

Use our dynamic search feature to find more information on the issues you care about most.

Add your name to show your support for your favorite plans and then share your favorites to Facebook and Twitter so your friends and family can see, too.

Click here to check out the new elizabethwarren.com/plans page!

Thank you,
Team Warren


Elizabeth doesn’t accept contributions from PACs of any kind or federally registered lobbyists. This grassroots movement is powered by supporters like you. Chip in now to help build our movement.


We have a sticker for that!

Whether it be

  • Solving the student debt crisis,
  • Tackling the skyrocketing cost of child care,
  • Making the rich pay their fair share,
  • Breaking up tech monopolies,
  • Ending corporate tax loopholes,
  • Protecting our public lands,
  • Leveling the playing field for family farmers,
  • Holding corporate executives accountable when they break the law,
  • Abolishing the Electoral College, or
  • Solving our affordable housing crisis

Elizabeth Warren has a plan for that. (And more!) And now we have a sticker for that!

By making a donation right now, you’ll get a free “Warren has a plan for that” sticker AND help us reach our end-of-quarter fundraising goal. Are you in?

If you’ve saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your donation will process automatically:



poor man taxes cut
This Is Your Tax Cut

Warren has a plan for that sticker

W publicly release our fundraising numbers so pundits and critics will scour our fundraising reports to judge the strength of this movement.

It’s crucial we hit our goal — to show the world that there is a grassroots movement behind Elizabeth’s plans for big, structural change. Chip in now to help hit our goal and we’ll send you a free sticker as a thank you.

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Paid for by Warren for President

All content © 2019 Warren for President, All Rights Reserved
PO Box 171375, Boston, MA 02116
Repeated here gratis as a public service
From Motiv8ionN8ion


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