
Malcolm Nance Says No Biden – No Peace

Malcolm Nance Says No Biden – No Peace

Malcolm Nance: on Biden, and peace. I heard and transcribed this  conversation from the Stephanie Miller morning liberal talk show broadcast. My conclusion from this interview of Malcolm Nance sums up like this. No Biden – No Peace. The Trump experi-mentality will only find more ways to kill Americans, destroy democracy and jam all  levers of power. Trump is the turd in the herd mentality. His cult cannot bend reality to their will.

Stephanie Miller:

Oh hi, Malcolm Nance, good morning, so here’s the thing about the disaster last night on CNN. As somebody said, he’s obviously, they’re scared. They’re panicked. Someone said, despite Russian hacking and all of it they’re obviously scared.

Trump and the Clone-servatives Are Running Scared

This is why, as terrifying as you are, and as much as you scared the bejesus out of us, you wouldn’t be urging people to vote this much if you really think Russia could succeed in installing him again, right? I mean, I think you keep saying it over and over.

If we come out, if we come out and clearly they’re scared right, I mean clearly allowing him to even do this means. They know they’re losing, despite all of the cheating they’re, doing right?

Malcolm  Nance:

Let me tell you, well, we sure will try. Granted, Trump is scared. We know that, just by the way that he’s, going around and tripling and quintupling down on his lies. I don’t know if you saw the Washington Post analysis of that town hall last night. Which must have terrified him. Because it was obviously full of antifa liberals. Uh, every person that came in there and asked a question, including the guy who said he voted for Jill Stein and came out and was asking questions about black vote stuff.

So he’s. Obviously, an antifa liberal, um. Trump I don’t think, has ever been confronted with these questions before and by by the end of today he will claim it was all a setup. Because he is now terrified of the numbers. The numbers that he has from Biden. I don’t now remember: it was a couple of days ago.

There was an NBC News poll that had Trump up plus four amongst latinos and Hillary had been winning by 27 in 2016. Well, they redid that poll and there’s. A new poll that shows Biden is up by like 34% amongst latinos. So that was an outlier, but in Donald Trump’s world it’s time to panic. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, North Carolina. Texas, is on the edge. Florida may go over. It’s time, obviously, for him to come out, start lying and lying. On a massive scale and the Washington Post put it this way.

A festival of four pinocchios. Virtually everything he said was a mess of pathological lies. The man obviously can’t tell his lies apart from reality.

Stephanie Miller:

Well, that’s, what it seemed like, Malcolm. That he is so used to only, as you call them, psychophants that are left and kool-aid drinkers at his rallies. And yes people and Fox News softball interviews and you know, Judge Jeanine, and you could tell. He’s just, he was befuddled. That people were buying his talking points and lies and fact checked him and did follow-up questions.

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Malcolm Nance:

MSNBC, a few minutes ago, ran the African-American woman, who said she would die within 72 hours if they pulled her health care off. Because she had pre-existing conditions and he went into this whole tirade about how he has a health care program. How it’s better than Obamacare and how it protects pre-existing conditions and George Stephanopoulos is there going? No you don’t. I interviewed you about this.

Stephanie Miller:

The Chris Wallace interview. You said two weeks. You said three weeks. I got it all ready to go. I got it all ready to go. George, I mean it’s, just it felt like, as I keep saying Malcolm it felt like the emperor’s, clothes falling off, live on tv, I mean just normal people going No, I heard you on tape. I heard you  say you downplayed the virus.

Malcolm Nance:

It only works on us and those voters who are just starting to wake up to this stuff. Let me tell you, speaking here from the the chiefs mess and manskiff in my house.

Stephanie Miller:

Did you ever see the poll where 73 of the armed forces had heard that Trump called them losers and suckers and they said that they’ve never had that much saturation by the army. In your lifetime ever seen, a military poll where the democrat is winning. I haven’t, I mean here’s, the Military Times, poll. Biden’s up five points in the military vote.

Malcolm Nance:

Believe me, it’s higher. Because here’s the kicker, most of those young junior guys who love pope Trump. Who are the guys who are sustaining his mid 30s?

They don’t vote. I know, I’ve been around these guys. I’ve handed out voter registration stuff. You know, we all talk about which state is coming. They don’t vote. They’re too busy uh. You know down at the bars on the weekend, the officer corps, on the other hand, which is overwhelmingly against Trump and the senior enlisteds. Oh they vote. They vote.

Stephanie Miller:

Oh my God and Trump just called them war mongers. So I love that he’s reacting to insulting the military by insulting the military again.  and how about the I mean only you could have called the I that he actually put out an ad.

That says, support the troops to which I’m, like you first, but that they’re not only mig-29s. The soldiers are Russian models and you said called it. I mean they’re Russian planes and Russian soldiers in the ad you’re, like is he doing this on purpose to F with us?

Malcolm Nance:

Well, because they’re liars. This isn’t the only time. They have mig-29s in this one, and you know, while everybody was focused on these mig aircraft, I’m looking at the barrels of the rifles and I go, those are ak-40 or ak-74s. Those are AKM rifles, those are Russian army issue rifles. Then we find out that they contacted the artist who did it and he’s Russian and he goes, yeah. I did this, they used it for the first time. It’s the third time they did Veterans Day. They did Memorial Day with a Russian navy ship. I mean, oh, my God!

Stephanie Miller:

You also warn us again and again, Malcolm. You said on twitter. Trump is not joking about a third term, ignore it at your peril. That’s the thing. It’s like, as Michael Cohen, said, he doesn’t joke. He doesn’t, have a sense of humor.

Malcolm Nance:

Okay, let me tell you if you guys haven’t seen this morning’s Morning Joe interview of Bob Woodward. They’re gonna be playing that on full run.

Nance Trump lets Putin put a bounty on our troops
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Today, at least 20 minutes of every hour, because it is terrifying, he says straight up. Trump does not know the difference between his lies and reality.

Stephanie Miller:

No somebody somebody said Bob Woodward has seen a lot and he seems rattled by what he’s seen with Trump. He seems legitimately rattled.

Malcolm Nance:

He says it’s very clear to him that he doesn’t know about the he doesn’t, particularly care about the numbers of people dying, as we said, Hold on. Here’s another thing that I called. I know I’ve said it on this show. I’ve, said numerous times that we will probably find some documents indicating that there was a strategy and a plan to rely on herd immunity.

Turd Mentality

It appears Trump just came out and said it last night, yeah mentality. No, this is dangerous. Three to five million Americans will die if they do herd immunity. We’ve, seen the indicators of this as early as June and July. When they sort of threw their hands up and were relying either on a vaccine or they kept saying.

Well, it’ll just burn out, or it’ll just burn through. To do that you must allow those people to die and that’s what is they’re going to do!

Stephanie Miller:

You mean 60 of Americans. No! Malcolm I tweeted about a couple weeks ago. It’s like herd immunity. Three million of us dead, that’s the plan. I said holy crap. The pilot is the terrorist, people. Let’s roll like we got to run on November. Third, this is not a joke, as you said. Nance Trump lets Putin put a bounty on our troops

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This statement is premeditated murder. He knew full well. People were gonna die horribly and he didn’t care. I mean yeah,

Malcolm Nance:

He doesn’t. That’s. another thing that was found out in the interview. He cares only about himself. We all know this, but we’re now, seeing it and the only thing we haven’t gotten on tape, and maybe you know what?

I don’t think Woodward’s done. I think he’s got 18 hours of tapes and I think he’s, going to prepare the big ones for much later. Where you know at some point, Trump will probably say, I don’t care about those people. They’re, you know they’re minorities or whatever. Who knows. The problem is, we have all predicted this.

I’m, not the Nance-stradamus here. We all see this with our own eyes and we have all been called fools, liars, losers, conspiracy theorists, and fabulists. Because we enunciate what we see. With our own eyes, and the problem is. If the media is waiting for evidence of what we all see with our own eyes, this is not a game anymore.

Woodward understands that. You know Woodward’s in the can die from coronavirus, age bracket, also. So you know he’s concerned about his wife, his children, his friends, his family. He’s a human being, but what I think the true revelation is. Is that he is seeing now that this man that Nixon, the man who he brought down, was nothing compared to Donald Trump. By the way, the true megalomaniac.

Stephanie Miller:

Yes, I was just going to say, do you think it was an accident that it’s 18 hours. When he had, it was about 18 minutes. Because he’s, probably like no. You’re, going to need 18 hours with Donald Trump, because that’s, where we’ve come. That’s, where the Republican Party has come. Where you literally need 18 hours, not 18 minutes.

Malcolm Nance:

Because my tapes are bigly. They’re, more bigly than Nixon.

I don’t, go 18 minutes 18 hours by God to the minute. You know, and he said that Trump would shout at him and they would get into shouting matches. I want those tapes and you know, I’m Sorry, I’m gonna call it again. Michael Bloomberg, yeah all right and who’s, the other billionaire um, Tom Steyer, yeah. They need to turn out commercials showing that this man is a liar and right now. Right now there’s a meta narrative for non-voting. For the people who are just getting interested, to go. “Pathological liar, pathological liar.”

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Stephanie Miller:

Well, I don’t know who did the first one, but I saw it where you hear the Woodward tape and then they have tape of what he said in the same April, whatever April, whatever him reopen it’s nothing, kids can’t get it, and then you know, so that I think that is. You’re right, deadly.

Malcolm Nance:

You know another one was Steve Schmidt yesterday. Did you see him on Joy Ried last night. God, go watch that. He didn’t rant. What he said. Joy asked me, she said: is there any person who has the stature, ( dot, dot, dot ) white person? Who has the stature? Who could speak to Trump voters to break them of this, and he essentially said no. There’s no one.

Stephanie Miller:

Yeah! Well, I said it, Malcolm. We are the ones we’re waiting for. Like those citizen journalists that stood up last night and said no, I’m going to finish and they did follow-up questions.

I was looking. Talk about not repeating the 2016 mistakes. You saw this, Turning Point. This right-wing group enlists teenagers in a troll farm spreading coordinated, pro-Trump messaging. So they’re, basically hiring the Russian troll farms in addition to the actual Russian troll farms.

This time to put out don’t trust Dr Faucci. The coronavirus death numbers are intentionally inflated. The mail-in ballots will lead to vote fraud. 28 million ballots went missing in the last four elections.

Nance Trump lets Putin put a bounty on our troops
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All these lies that they’re paying kids to put out. As if they’re actual young people in Arizona or wherever.

Malcolm Nance:

I started  observing that there was a transition in 2018 away from Russian trolls and bots bots.

Bots are automated, trolls are actually people. Away from the Internet Research Agency. They’re, doing the themes, the meta narratives, but then I said the Trump daddy and his vigilantes. These guys are calling themselves Mike Fynn’s cyber army.

Now we know they’re following Charlie Kirk. These are university students who are now professional trolls who are pushing themes. They have transitioned from the Russian Internet Research Agency to the Donald Trump internet research agency. It’s all come full circle. Americans run Russia’s operation now.

Stephanie Miller:

Yeah, and let me one last one. We want to get your take on Bill Barr. Because it, once again full circle, Bill Bar rails against mail in voting. I mean this is it. We have the Attorney General of the United States, the DOJ that is doing Russian misinformation as well? He just he went off on democrats over mob violence. Mail-In voting,

He went off on the resistance. Said many people in the government are working to thwart the administration. He said mob violence is another very disconcerting development. When, after democrats in particular, the message seems to be of democrats, no Biden or no peace.

At one point he was asked about the election Barr said, as Attorney General, I’m, not supposed to get into politics. Oh God, now a warning, and he said I think we’re, getting into a position where we find ourselves irrevocably committed to a socialist path, and I think if Trump loses the election, that will be the case. He couldn’t be more political. He is just an absolute political tool and then he went off on mail-in voting. Which there is no evidence for anything about that. He’s, saying about mail and voting.

Malcolm Nance:

I wrote two chapters about Bill Barr in the new version of The Plot to Betray America, where I had. Remember the first version? Malcolm Nance No Biden, No peace interview

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I ended with the phrase that I had said on air, which was. Could the Attorney General of the United States be committing the greatest cover up? You know the greatest crime in American history by covering up the greatest crime in American history? Yes, yes, and now he’s, gone way beyond that he has decided. He is the consigliere for Fredo, This is very dangerous.

Stephanie Miller:

The last part Malcolm. Let me, listen to this. He said it’ll, be a close vote. People will say the president just won Nevada. Oh wait a minute. We just discovered a hundred thousand ballots. Every vote will be counted yeah, but we don’t know where these freaking votes came from. He’s trying to set up the “mail-in ballots don’t count.”

Malcolm Nance Says, No Biden –  No Peace

Malcolm Nance:

I’ve warned you I’m gonna, say it again all right.

No Biden –  No Peace

The most dangerous period in American history will be from November 4th to January 20th, and I suspect that Bill Barr has already got into his mind that this election will be nullified. They’re, going to call it for Trump and then they will use the power of, or what he thinks is, the power of the United States.

You know what? I’m, sorry to say it, but I think that he has given us our mantra for this. No Biden, no peace, if they cheat and they steal this election and it’s very obvious. That Biden won and they’ve, just decided they’re gonna call it for themselves. Fine.

Stephanie Miller:

Once again, Hillary is right. She said, do not concede. She said to Biden two weeks ago: do not concede nothing. Yes, I mean the DOJ just opened a criminal case against John Bolton here we go. This has turned into an instrument of punishing enemies and getting friends off

Malcolm Nance:

Bob Woodward said that he talked that when Comey came in Trump confirmed that the first thing that he asked was that he wanted Comey to go out and start arresting Trump administration.

People that he said it was his first conversation.

Stephanie Miller:

Yeah, all right, Malcolm. We’re long as usual, because I love you, Malcolm Nance, see you next week.



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