
Team Joe Newsletter

My Team Joe Newsletter

I’m sharing this email newsletter I received as a member of Team Joe. While the media wanted you all to focus on the one race the Republican’t Party had been their best chances to win the rest of the story was not told. Meanwhile, 9 remarkable Democratic candidates pierced blockades and won. Team Joe can report progress this month, when you read on and get involved.

  • COVID-19
  • Climate
  • Healthcare
  • Childcare
  • Midterm Elections

Build Back Better -COMING SOON if you fight for it!

Team —

The results in Virginia this week were a wake up call for our party. Despite our earnest efforts and hard work, we came up short! Which is why over the coming weeks, we’ll be digging into the numbers. But one thing is clear: if we want to continue building back better, we have our work cut out for us.

Despite the outcome in Virginia, there is still plenty of reason to hope. We turned out a record number of voters in the commonwealth. In fact, the last time Virginia saw voter turnout this high for a gubernatorial election was in 1997. That is impressive in its own right.

Democrats also secured historic victories nationwide. Governor Phil Murphy became the first Democrat in nearly 45 years to win a second term in New Jersey. Michelle Wu will be the first woman, person of color, and Asian American to be elected mayor of Boston. Abdullah Hammoud will be the first Arab American to be mayor of Dearborn. The list goes on…

Democrats who made election history

The journey to build this nation back better continues. We’ll dust ourselves off and get back to work like we always do. Because what we’re fighting for is bigger than any one of us. What we’re fighting for matters.

Read on for more updates about the Biden-Harris administration and the Democratic Party →

The fight against COVID-19:

New FDA authorization

We have reached a turning point in our battle against COVID-19: After rigorous review, the CDC and FDA have authorized a safe, effective vaccine for children ages 5-11. It will allow parents to end months of anxious worrying about their kids — and is a major step forward in our fight to defeat the virus.

The Biden-Harris administration has already secured enough supply for every child in America. Kids will be able to get a vaccine at one of tens of thousands of locations, including pharmacies, pediatricians’ offices, schools, and more.


Taking action on climate

President Biden traveled to Scotland this week to meet with world leaders at the United Nations Climate Change Conference. He unveiled a U.S. Methane Emissions Reduction Plan that will:

Lower U.S. methan emissions, cut consumer costs, protect workers and communities, maintain and create good-paying union jobs, prompt innovation and manufacturing

Combating climate change is not just our moral obligation. It is an economic imperative. The future will belong to those who act now to harness the power of a clean energy economy.

That’s why President Biden’s Build Back Better Framework aims to tackle the climate crisis. It sets a goal of reaching a 100% carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035, includes clean energy rebates for consumers, and invests in clean U.S. manufacturing.


Honoring Native American Heritage Month

To celebrate the countless contributions and accomplishments of Native Americans and Alaska Natives in America, the DNC partnered with artist A’máy Tádits (Hail) to create a t-shirt in honor of Native American Heritage Month.

Native American Heritage Month T-Shirt


For centuries, the promise of our nation has been denied to the first peoples of this continent — Native Americans. During Native American Heritage Month, we recommit to strengthening Tribal sovereignty and advancing Tribal self-determination. All proceeds from this t-shirt will be used to support Democrats running for office up and down the ballot who are dedicated to doing just the same.

Get covered:

The open enrollment period on started this week. If you or someone you know needs coverage — or if you’d like to change or renew your plan — make sure to apply before the open enrollment period ends on December 15.


Looking to the 2022 midterm elections

Supporters like you are the backbone of our party. All that we’ve accomplished, from taking back the White House to passing the American Rescue Plan, is thanks to the dedication of this grassroots team.

Now, as we prepare for the upcoming midterms, we’re relying on your continued support. We’re already running critical organizing, data, tech, and voter protection programs nationwide. But your generosity is what will sustain our work through Election Day and beyond.

Please, consider chipping in $5 to the DNC’s Democratic Fight Fund today. Anything you contribute will not only support Democrats running for office across the country, but also help build the strongest Democratic Party in history.

Donate today.

Until next time,

Team Joe

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We sincerely thank you for your help and support.
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I’m sharing my latest Team Joe Biden Newsletter and there’s lots of good news in the Biden agenda. Blue-Collar Biden is all about readiness


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