Malcolm Nance On January 6 investigation With Stephanie Miller
Malcolm Nance On January 6 investigation With Stephanie Miller
Malcolm Nance was back on the Stephanie Miller Show. This time it’s to talk about the January 6 investigation from the inside perspective of a counterterrorism analyst. Read along as Malcolm goes through the steps of finding the bridge between suspicious actors and conspired events.
Stephanie Miller:
Oh hi. Dr. Bloom was fantastic, great discussion about Q-anon
CLICK HERE to read this interview
Malcolm Nance:
As I was just telling the guys, she’s actually famous for rolling her eyes on Fox News when Dr Seb Gorka was being introduced. So if you really want some amusement, just type in Mia Bloom Seb Gorka eyeroll. [<- or click link]
Stephanie Miller:
While doing his credentials.
Malcolm Nance:
Yeah, some credentials. She is a real terrorism expert. I mean, I’m not even in the same league she’s the go to FBI profiler and expert on women and children in terrorism, and teaching in Atlanta. This new book on Q-anon, I didn’t even read it because I didn’t want to be influenced as I was writing my crazy book on the Trump insurgency. Then I read it and it’s a great book.
Stephanie Miller:
There’s an obvious intersection, I mean that’s the whole point. I love the way she describes it, Malcolm. It’s that Q-anon is a sticky ball rolling down a hill and it’s like election fraud and January 6. All these others, you know, black lives matter, I mean all these conspiracies stick to this. What was originally an anti-vaxxers and it all comes together. Then Russia jumps in, as usual.
The tar, you have to understand, that this sticky ball is made up of, is their adoration of Donald Trump. That’s fundamental. I was going over the section of my book about Q-anon because we’re talking about all these military and intelligence people. Generals and admirals and ex NSA people who all went nuts, and became these huge Q-anon influencers.
Advocating like Michael Scheuer, ex CIA officer from the Bin Laden unit, advocating genocide against liberals openly.
Stephanie Miller:
Well so, you’ve said it a long time ago. When we just did it yesterday. 47% of Republicans think they’re going to have to take up arms against each other, you know, what you’ve been warning about. Civil war.
Malcolm Nance:
Actually, there’s a better statistic from a Pew poll that said, 29% of Americans believe that they are going to have to take their country back and use violence to do it. That was a Pew Poll from a couple of months ago. It leads off one of my chapters, and that’s not Republican voters. That’s Americans. So, one in three Americans believes that they’re going to have to overthrow the government using violence. This is a wild combination of Q-a non and this Trump cultism.
The Republican Party, I think, has been over taken now by Q-anon, but they removed the letter Q. You can’t come in Q-anon shirts anymore to rallies. You can’t bring any Q paraphernalia, but what does that matter when you espouse the same philosophy.
Stephanie Miller:
Yeah. Well, let’s talk about this latest news. Because obviously, Malcolm, as a terrorism analyst. So the headline is why did Lauren Boebert lead a late night Capitol tour three weeks before January 6? On the night of December 12, the day of the first stop the steel rally in Washington and three weeks ahead of January 6 insurrection, several guests of then representative elect, Lauren Boebert, receive an exclusive after hours tour of the Capitol building.
There are several unanswered questions about this visit, which appears to have violated normal Capitol protocol in various ways. It’s not clear who authorized it since Boebert was not yet a member of Congress and had no official standing in DC. This is perhaps even stranger. It occurred on a Saturday night, when the Capitol is closed. Later in the aftermath of January 6 attack Boebert repeatedly denied rumors she had offered reconnaissance tours to would-be rioters shortly before the event.
Her ambiguous comments appeared to avoid any specific discussion of this unexplained December tour. So, let’s see, it involved various parts of the complex. The staircase in the Senate, empty Brahminy corridors, Senate room S-127, the Senate briefing room, as well as the Capitol rotunda.
Also member guidelines for member led Capitol tours, they’re only available weekdays nine to 3pm also that All visitors must sign liability waivers, tours must be led by an official capital guide. Not a Capitol police officer, which was went by. So, and then there’s the video on January 6. She and her mother at the save America rally with Ellie Alexander. Who can be seen directly behind her in the clip. At around that time she tweeted today is 1776 Yes, with all your intelligence analysis. What does that all add up to, to you.
Malcolm Nance:
First off, I think that she’s cleverly being able to dodge this. by, saying people asked her if she gave a reconnaissance tour, right. Which means that she has some intent. That she knew what they were going to do. That this was done for intelligence collection purposes. It doesn’t have to be that at all, for it to have been some form of intelligence, or surveillance or to give them for knowledge of the facility. She could have just been doing a tour.
The point is that there have been 30 I believe there are 35, Capitol Hill police out of their 2000 men force, who are under investigation for their behavior in the January 6 insurrection and running up to that. Which may have meant that they had open sympathies. You might recall that a week later after the incident, they, they had a capitol health officer who was reading the Protocols of the Elders of Zion on duty at an x ray machine. That’s, that’s a book that says Jews eat babies.
It’s part of the whole Q-annon canon. So he was immediately suspect of neo Nazi sympathies because it was one of Adolf Hitler, and Rob and Henry Ford’s favorite books.
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So there are people out there who have sympathies. So the officer who took them on this illegal tour was probably a fan, and we need to know that. We need to know who was there, when they were there. How you were escorting these people. Why that officer wasn’t wearing a mask, for example. She wasn’t a member. She wouldn’t be sworn in for another month or another few weeks. So why?
There are other reports and I put these out on January 7, of people coming into the Capitol and the House office buildings. People who were not authorized to be there and have used some form of dissimulation to get inside, and were supposedly there for other reasons. These are things that the January 6 commission or select committee will really have to go into. I want to warn you though, for all of you people who are sitting there going, oh, we’re gonna arrest Lauren Boebert and give her a criminal record. Well, she already has been arrested before and she has a criminal record.
These are not necessarily the people I would focus on in an investigation. It is the staffers who work for them. Because I want you to give this a minute’s thought. Imagine what kind of staffers work for Lauren Boebert and justify everything that she does. Or Marjorie [Trailer] Taylor Green, you’re gonna have to be just as bat dip crazy, as they are for you to keep working in that office and to handle legislations and procedures. Right. You know there’s not going to be any hidden liberals, or people with alternative lifestyles, working on their staff. Because these people are hardcore Trump people.
On January 6 we now know there were staffers on the top of the Capitol. Doing live stream videos and reporting information about the Capitol. Lauren Boebert herself said where Nancy Pelosi was live. That may have been inadvertent, but was she trying to actually identify her for what I called on the night of January six, murder cells. Which is a counterterrorism term for people who are tasked out to hunt and kill people. I don’t know but it needs to be investigated.
Stephanie Miller:
Well, Malcolm, we haven’t talked to you since this whole, the DOJ memos. The whole, you know, obviously. I mean, we don’t even have to be an expert like you to go, this was all planned and financed and all these moves at the Pentagon. You and I talked about what what the Fuck is he doing? Well here we are, right?
He’s actually calling the justice department saying just say it was corrupt. Leave it to me and the Republican congressman. Some of whom, it looks like, he names later in the call. This was an organized coup. I don’t know what venue but I’m hoping the DOJ in addition to this January 6 Commission are getting to the top of this, not the bottom, the top.
Malcolm Nance:
There was an interesting thread in the MullerSheWrote, [ ] Twitter feed. Today, which I thought actually did some good analysis of the legal moves of the Justice Department. Which indicated, all these tiny tiny tiny little activities, which indicated that they are looking at a greater broader conspiracy. Starting off with the fact that the President was demanding the Justice Department get involved. To go out and try to smear the entire election process.
That guy who is the deputy of the Department of Justice, who apparently was Trump’s go to hit man, Clark. Who is writing these memos saying the Justice Department is looking for irregularities and is going to launch the investigation into irregularities.
Stephanie Miller:
Somebody he wrote it on paper. He was overruled but he tried to record it on paper. I mean, Malcolm, as you said this wasn’t a random date. January 6 is only a small part of this larger coup plan. Which involves the date they were going to certify the vote. It was to disrupt certifying the vote. So Donald Trump could say, oh there was fraud and we’ll throw it to the states and yada yada. Right?
Malcolm Nance:
Yes, and that’s exactly right. That’s what I’m saying. There was a lot broader conspiracy than we know. I’m satisfied the let the Justice Department tear down the walls for all of these people’s ability to hide. By going out and saying the congressman, and by extension, Donald Trump, that no one can hide behind their official job duties to say they cannot be brought before for and on subpoena and discuss these things.
There is no longer executive privilege on this extraordinary event to overthrow American democracy. We have to allow a lot of that to take place. What I’m more interested in is what I call, and I’ve said this before about the Trump Russia scandal. There is always one piece of data that is missing. In the intelligence community, we call it the bridge. The bridge between x conspiracy or x activity we’ve identified and x activity that we’ve identified that will lead to a conspiracy.
Also, Trump did a good job of covering up with Roger Stone and Bill Barr, eliminating the ability for us to see the bridge. Muller, by using legalese and letting people infer what the bridge is, and not even investigate his ties to Moscow, which is the real bridge right where the money is.
In this particular instance, it’s the people like Stewart Rhodes, the head of the Oath Keepers and Enrique Tarrio, the head of the Proud Boys. These people had command and control cell on Capitol Hill. They had been around Roger Stone, all day, the Proud Boys were his personal bodyguards. Him and the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys had been his bodyguards for years. I mean, someone had to make a story. An arc that led from all of these people going to the Capitol. How they were infused and motivated to go to the Capitol during Donald Trump’s speech.
There was far too much coordination. Everyone shows up with body armor, everyone shows up with helmets, everyone shows up with sticks and riot gear. Number one thing we look for in intelligence. Common sense dictates that these people were informed that they should be ready to do x. By saying maybe Trump said, yeah it’s gonna be a wild day. That was it, but there was far greater coordination below that.
Proud Boys leader Enrique Tarrio was an FBI informant | US news | The Guardian
Stephanie Miller:
Let’s talk about the ongoing coup. Because that’s what you’re here for, is to scare the shit out of all of us. The Arizona election fraud, it has been widely mocked, but an investigative reporter, and if you saw Jane Mayer’s piece in the New Yorker, that the wealthy contributors backing the effort to undo Trump’s election loss posed a grave threat to democracy. She talked about groups, rich and powerful conservative groups, that are deeply committed to gathering power to undo future election losses by Republican candidates.
They said that Cyber Ninjas had a tiny amount of money coming from the State Senate in Arizona, the vast proportion of it something like 5 million comes from contributors who are basically national conspiracy theorists who are aligned with Trump. You have the Overstock guy, Patrick Byrne, Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell, the Heritage Foundation. The [ALEC} American Legislative Exchange Council, backed by big corporations. The Bradley Foundation of Milwaukee, which is one of the biggest conservative foundations.
It says they’re exploiting the distrust of American elections in order to push through laws that crack down on voting rights. Keep people they don’t want from the polls. Basically, are laying the foundation for a lot of distrust about ’22 and ’24. So it’s kind of a dangerous precedent that’s going on here. This is a larger ongoing coup. Correct?
Malcolm Nance:
First let me say this. I know Jane Mayer. I like Jane Mayer. We worked together back when there was the whole torture thing was going on. She is one of the best strategic journalists in the United States. I say strategic because every time she writes something it may take months for it to come together, it is some insanely brilliant piece of analysis. She’s like Ronan Farrow.
You don’t ever want Jane Mayer to write about you. Because she’ll have all the receipts and then she’ll probably go to lunch with Ronan Farrow to see if there’s anything else. So, this particular article which everyone needs to read. There is no liberal equivalent to the right wing money train that’s out there, there really isn’t.
Stephanie Miller:
Yes! I said from my studio in my basement.
Her article in the New Yorker is linked here
Malcolm Nance:
If you were a conservative, you would be having a multimillion dollar studio. Clear channel and broadcast all over the world. You would be Seth Gorka and people would be rolling their eyes at you. They have an entire constellation of billionaires, and these people are out to destroy American democracy, period.
Right, and everybody focuses on the Koch brothers and everybody focuses on the Mercer’s. There are hundreds of others out there.Those people are just the ones with the big mouths. These guys don’t say anything, and they spend the money. In case you’re wondering why. OANN and America News Network is so popular. And now Fox is on the outs and Newsmax is on the outs. People are throwing money to destroy America.
Stephanie Miller:
We’ve been screaming this for years if they can spend billions and millions on right wing propaganda to spew lies out there. They can’t spend a little bit for the few progressive broadcasters to get the truth out there? That’s all, you know, just little ‘ol us. That’s all we are doing is putting the truth out, facts, logic. Whether it’s COVID or it’s January six or it’s elections.
Malcolm Nance:
But you’re not crazy.
Stephanie Miller:
Well, my staff would tend to disagree with that.
Malcolm Nance:
Crazy people would open their wallets to you.
Stephanie Miller:
But anyway, thanks Malcolm. All right, great stuff. Thanks for the heads up on Dr. Mia Bloom. That was fantastic. And you are Patriot sir. God bless you. God bless the United States.
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