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Plot To Betray America Book Release Club Helsinki

Malcolm Nance Speaks On Plot To Betray America Book Release At Club Helsinki

Read the presentation at Club Helsinki on the occasion of the release of Malcolm Nance’s new book Plot to Betray America. The last in the trilogy of books that fueled the anti-Trump resistance movement. Malcolm Nance lays out an authoritative assessment of the collusion between Putin and the Republicans wrapped around Donald Trump. Learn the old KGB methods and cyber warfare that weaponized social media that are how they cheated in the 2016 election.

Trump's criminal administrationMalcolm Nance is the greatest author and intelligence expert in the anti-Trump resistance movement. He told you so before and during the Trump election campaign. Now he is back with more confirmation and information about the most criminal White House occupants ever to seize power. Also their domestic terrorists. Another must-read from Nance.
The Plot to Betray America: How Team Trump Embraced Our Enemies, Compromised Our Security, and How We Can Fix It

Read More Malcolm Nance Interviews Here

This is important for the defense of democracy considering the facts that Moscow Mitch McConnell refuses to allow election protection bills beyond his desk, and Facebook  still allowing unabated hacking of American minds.

You can read what Malcolm Nance said which I believe went as follows below.

Malcolm Nance: Author of The Plot To Betray America

The last person to read my book and edit my book was my wife. Because I’m not stupid. Okay. Always run things past your spouse, ok? They’re your spouse for reason. If it’s money that’s a good reason too, but Marie’s read my book., and she made some critical changes to it. She was the one who recommended that I ask Martin Sheen and that made a big change to the entire dynamic of the book.

I have written a lot of stuff. Sometimes my systems are on. I just have the right amount of coffee in me and when -I went. When Martin Sheen’s forward came back it was, materially, similar but not the same as what I wrote. and it just set the pace for the entire book. You are going to love this book, but reading that first forward, which I’m gonna give you a taste of tonight, is going to change your life. And the best part is it’s book ended with an epilogue and I don’t know if you guys know but, when I’m talking on television or W. A. M. C. are you aware that I really don’t give a lot of thought to what I’m saying?

A guy actually said this to me in Philadelphia he said I’m a TV production officer. I sit with 10 monitors on all day and I can tell when your talking. Because this is what it sounds like. Blahblahblabblah and everyone has already got all of their opinion set, and they repeat it over and over again. And he goes, I can see you think while you’re talking. You don’t speak like a pundit. He says what are you doing? I go, talking. He goes, so you don’t get a lot of thought to what you’re saying. I go, I’m giving you my opinion or my analysis, and if I don’t already- if I can’t calculate that based on what I already know, then you’re not getting me.

You’re getting what a lot of pundits do. Which is they discuss with their friends. They work it up into an op ed. Then they go on TV and they repeat that same thing over and over, and I can actually change my opinion based on the information that I’m getting in from time to time. So if it looks like, right now. The only difference between the way I’m talking now is, I wear tie and I sit straight. Because I have to. There’s no difference between the way I really talk on television, when I’m let loose, and WAMC just gives me a lot more time on.

What I’m doing here tonight, because I’m giving you a much more expanded version of that, this is tonight a deep dive into that. So I’ve got about 30 minutes more of speaking about the book. Because I don’t want to ruin the book for you. Yesterday I gave a speech to the Hudson Public Library about my last book, the Plot to Destroy Democracy. Look at it. Let me tell you something. You’re gonna buy Plot to Betray America tonight.

Plot To Destroy DemocracyMalcolm Nance
is the greatest author and intelligence expert in the anti-Trump resistance movement. He told you so before and during the Trump election campaign. Now he is back with more confirmation and information about the most criminal White House occupants ever to seize power. Also their domestic terrorists. Another must-read from Nance. See for yourself how Trump and his Republican allies colluded with Russia to undermine our most precious institutions.
The Plot to Destroy Democracy: How Putin and His Spies Are Undermining America and Dismantling the West

Read More Malcolm Nance Interviews Here

I’m gonna go over it but you really need to go buy a Plot to Destroy Democracy, and that’s not because I want to sell books. I already made the New York Times Best Sellers List. With that I couldn’t knock some guy I’m number 6. In the middle of summer in the light reading section. I couldn’t knock some guy named Neil Degrasse Tyson off from number 5. Is the number one book was David Sedaris. A book of jokes in the middle of July, but I did knock some lady named Zora Neale Hurston off the Best Sellers List. I felt so knocking her off the Best Sellers List, but I held on to it for 10 weeks.

Before I went on Bill Maher with that book, I took time to read it and there’s a big difference between writing a book in reading the book. I read that book, and I scared myself. I couldn’t believe how I’ve synthesized all these things. That book is about Russia, and how they organized the attack on the United States, and how they used all these very old KGB techniques, But more importantly, how they were organizing the alt right, the right wing around Europe, and the United States was their last conquest. Then I get into than the evangelicals. How they spent 14 years flipping the evangelicals to believing Vladimir Putin was the savior of Christianity. It’s not a joke. They call him, they called Russia, the last great bastion of white Christianity.

Steve Bannon is a cyber traitorThen how Steve Bannon who believes, who follows a philosopher of Vladimir Putin created the all right from computer games. He created the whole paid industry of gaming and paying for a little extra points on shared computer games. That’s where he got his hundreds of millions of dollars from. Then I go into the National Rifle Association right. I identified Maria Butina a year in advance as a Russian intelligence officer. Or an intelligence subcontractor whose job it was to flip the NRA. right? As a matter of fact, when they were having a big debate about her saying, well Maria Butina has been arrested and she might be a honey trap. I had a section of the book called Maria Butina Honey Trap. That’s just ridiculous. The press is pretty far behind.

By the way, in case you guys were wondering. I’m not a journalist. Do you know that? I’m a spy. I don’t have to do all the things that journalists do. What you are getting on television and in my books, the reason that I wrote my first book, Plot to Hack America 8 weeks before the election, and why it was identical to the CIA’s report, is because I see things very very differently than journalist. I had 30 years of secret intelligence operations by under my belt and when I see one, I can identify it. Journalists have to go interview 300 people and get 2 sources for every point to see the same thing that I’ll see in 5 minutes. That is why my books are fundamentally different and fundamentally faster. Plot to Hack America came out on 9/23/2016. The next book to come out was Luke Harding’s book Collusion. It came out 13 months later. The first American book to come out after that was David Corn and Michael Isikoff. Did anybody read that book Russian Roulette. Came out 23 months later.

As a matter of fact, there was a review on Amazon. I shouldn’t say this because I like David, were friends. It said, a long slow version of Plot to Hack America. Good book. A little slow. 23 months. So that is really fundamentally the difference between what I write and what other journalists write. Plot to Destroy Democracy is all about Russia. All about Russia until you get to that last couple of chapters about the alt right, the NRA, and how Russia created Donald Trump’s world view. We are living in that world view and the Plot to Betray America is the next phase of that story. It’s the last of the “Plot” books. It is about all of the Americans that were involved in this and how it’s very easy to see. That the reason our national security is being compromised today is because there is a pool of money in this world that supersedes loyalty. To flags, to people, to anything other than money.

Okay I said I always ask this question I think I asked this on WAMC. So if you know the answer don’t shout it out. Has anybody heard of a small Spanish port called Puerto Banus Spain. Where is it? Do you remember what town it’s next to? Marbella, right. You guys heard my radio program. If you’ve been to Puerto Banus then you get around. You’ve been to Puerto Banus? Do you own a mega yacht? The port there is only for mega yachts with helicopter pads, not regular mega yachts. Real 20- 50- $100,000,000 mega yachts. It is one of the most exclusive ports in the world, and I entered Puerto Banus because I was living in Spain at the time and I was doing intelligence operations.

I was going out to sea and I was going to various places, and every once in a while the ship or platform that I was on would let me off. I got dropped off at Puerto Banus. When I was there I got off. I got to the small cafe that’s there and I always bought a copy the International Herald Tribune and I would sit down and I would read. This guy comes up to me and he says. Are you finished with your newspaper? I said, yeah here go ahead, take it, and he said, are you a crew? I was like, I looked at him. He’s in shorts season dock siders but he’s got a nice Brooks Brothers shirt on. I go, this is an owner.

And I go, yeah you could say that. Yes what are you crewing on, and I said, oh it’s not here. It already came and left and I said what are you on? He goes, I got that one over there. I said that’s Eagle 5. He goes, well, yeah. You know my boat, and he goes, it stays in Portsmouth and then what we do is we bring it down here and then we all fly here for parties and then they all go home b.y plane and then the ship goes back to England, from Southern Spain. Oh. he said. So you know Eagle 5. I go yeah. I said, you have a problem with your right hand, with your starboard propeller. It’s sort of luffing. He goes yeah we’re doing repairs on it. He goes, do you know some of my crew? I said, no.

He goes, well what do you ride? I said, I rode the USS Cincinnati, a Los Angeles Class atomic attack submarine. I got off at this port and you came into the port last night at 6:30. We were right behind you. It’s just you didn’t see me because we don’t surface. We just come up a little bit and the top comes up and I pull up next to a tugboat. I jump onto it and it goes back down, and disappears. Suddenly I’m interesting. He sits down, is like, let me buy you a coffee. So. Puerto Banus is the home of, one of the global homes of, what I call the global oligarchy. For the globalgarchy.

Trump aspires to be a Russian-style oligarchThese are people who literally own bakeries in France. Will use an executive jet every morning to fly warm French baguettes from Marseilles, or Toulaine, or Leone to their house in Moscow. So that they can say they have warm French bread in the morning. That’s not a joke. Donald Trump, when he went to the Miss Universe Pageant 2014, had a private to our meeting with the top 12 richest oligarchs of Russia. Including Vladimir Putin’s personal representative.

Vladimir Putin, it is estimated, may be worth as much as $200,000,000,000 very illicit dollars, right? He’s sort of like the Arab sheiks they’re trillionaires. They just don’t say it, but they own every drop of oil in that country and they take a fake salary of like $1,000,000,000 to cover it. There is a body of people and money above this nation’s flag, above this nation’s constitution, above all of you, and they do not care about you for me. What they care about is money. More money than you can shake a stick at.

Now I’ve been around some money in my life. I was part of the Iraq economic development program where I had to secure $3,000,000,000 that were being off loaded of platforms into a terminal. I have a picture of me sitting on a 40 foot high stack of money. That’s interest to these guys in about an hour. All right? There is a pool of money out there, and when I wrote my for my second book, Plot to Destroy Democracy, one of the questions that just kept popping into my head was, how does Jeff Sessions, a United States Senator just give up everything for Donald Trump? Then has secret meetings with the Russians and never says a word to the FBI investigators. What would motivate him to do that? A lot of money. A lot of money that’s going to make him insanely rich after they leave the White House, all right.

In the Christopher Steele memorandum, in the report it said. If Exxon Mobil’s deal with Russia went ahead there would be a 12 percent commission. That totaled $19,000,000,000. Rex Tillerson was Secretary of State and that’s who was supposed to execute that, and that’s why he was appointed Secretary of State. The point is, these deals that are out there. The money that’s out there is far higher than you can think, and Donald Trump wants to be an oligarch. Now how do you get to be an oligarch. Well, in Russia, the only way that you get to be an oligarch is if Vladimir Putin allows you to be an oligarch.

Trump's criminal administrationMalcolm Nance is the greatest author and intelligence expert in the anti-Trump resistance movement. He told you so before and during the Trump election campaign. Now he is back with more confirmation and information about the most criminal White House occupants ever to seize power. Also their domestic terrorists. Another must-read from Nance.
The Plot to Betray America: How Team Trump Embraced Our Enemies, Compromised Our Security, and How We Can Fix It

Read More Malcolm Nance Interviews Here

So that’s why the second chapter of my book is called a Super Villain With A Leash. Because that’s Vladamir Putin. I talk about is old days when he was a baby spy. Can somebody bring me a copy of the book? I don’t carry them around with me. I’ll read something for you and the third chapter is about Donald Trump. In the third chapter is called A Dog That Needs to Be Walked. Remember, for me to get it back to you.

So what I’m gonna do is. I want to read you a little bit out of this book. Because there’s two sections that I think are very important, that I write about, and I bookend this story with some of the things that people over the last couple of have called me a conspiracy theorist. Right up until the Mueller Report was released. Then they called me a conspiracy theorist because the Mueller Report’s not good. You know, or so they say. So. Some of the things that we’ve heard is, is that there was no Russian scandal. As a matter of fact, the White House right now is working furiously to get Russia off the hook.

They’re fighting right now to say the DNC, the Democratic National Committee, servers we’re not hacked by Russian military intelligence, or Russian national intelligence, the FSB. No, it was actually hacked by the pro-western, pro-NATO government of the Ukraine and that they’re just framing poor Russia with their ex-KGB president. Right. I mean Vladimir Putin is a KGB officer. He was a career KGB officer until he woke up and found that his nation had collapsed. He was a life long communist.

The first touch he had with the KGB was when he was 13 He went to a KGB open house. They told him come back when you finish university, go to law school, then come join the KGB. He went to university, he went to law school, he joined the KGB. As part of the research of this book I went to his office in Dresden, Germany. I sat down in the glow of a baby spy and here’s how it is with the baby spy. Like all of us. It’s like if you’ve got a job at Stuart’s. Your job is to make the coffee sweep the floor do all the work, right?

Well, he was in the office full of very senior people. So when they needed somebody to go out and flip a West German who is coming over to see his East German girlfriend, they sent the baby spy. They sent him for all of the recruiting jobs. Because they could sit around and drink beer while he went out and did the work, but you know, when you are an intern, or it’s your first job, you really learn that job don’t you. Because you’re doing all the work. Vladimir Putin’s job was to learn how to manipulate people into being traitors. That was his fundamental first job.

Trump's criminal administrationMalcolm Nance is the greatest author and intelligence expert in the anti-Trump resistance movement. He told you so before and during the Trump election campaign. Now he is back with more confirmation and information about the most criminal White House occupants ever to seize power. Also their domestic terrorists. Another must-read from Nance.
The Plot to Betray America:How Team Trump Embraced Our Enemies, Compromised Our Security, and How We Can Fix It

Read More Malcolm Nance Interviews Here

Now then he becomes President of Russia. As he sits at his desk and somebody says, hey, do you know this idiot. He goes, which idiot there’s just so many. If I sound like Boris Baddenov it’s because they all sound like Boris Badenov. He goes Donald Trump. He is talking about the running for President, and he goes, Donald Trump who’s on the apprentice the number one show in Russia? Not joking it was a top show in Russia. They loved his autocratic style of “you’re fired.” Russian oligarchs flocked around him. And they just love this guy and that’s how he got Miss Universe to come to Russia. Because they all wanted to see Donald Trump.

Now I’m a guy that started as a baby spy, right? I’m president of Russia. I’m looking at this guy. He’s a millionaire. People say, hey, this guy has political aspirations. What’s the first thing I do. I say go get me the Donald Trump file from the KGB, I mean, FSB headquarters. Because we are not the KGB anymore. By the way I got into a really great fight with Glenn Greenwald. Who said, this guy on MSNBC such an idiot he thinks the KGB still exists. It ceased to exist 25 years ago. Look, if I take the letters C. I. A. and I remove the letter C. and I. And I put the letters B. and C. so it it becomes the ABC. I’m not 6 months old. It doesn’t cease to exist. The building is still there. Those files are you still there.

That’s what happened in the transition from the KGB to the FSB. It didn’t cease to exist, they just- This actually happened, the guy came out with a screwdriver took down K G and put up an F and S and boom, they changed organizations. Russia Today, by the way, attacked me over that. And they said, MSNBC Russia expert says Vladimir Putin is director of the KGB. So I got great pleasure it tweeting at them that KGB equals FSB and that hashtag took off and I got 50,000 likes which is about 3,000,000 people looking at that. So their attack on me sort of backfired.

The KGB has not ceased to exist. What’s happening to the United States is that we are under attack by the same organization that is James Bond villain evil. It’s just that except, like James Bond villains, Putin is now a billionaire with yachts. You know he’s got those little mini submarines and women half naked all over the place. He is now literally a James Bond villain. And like all James Bond villains they have stupid henchmen and Donald Trump is one of them. Now facts is facts them. I got to deal with facts as I see it.

Trump's criminal administrationMalcolm Nance is the greatest author and intelligence expert in the anti-Trump resistance movement. He told you so before and during the Trump election campaign. Now he is back with more confirmation and information about the most criminal White House occupants ever to seize power. Also their domestic terrorists. Another must-read from Nance.
The Plot to Betray America:How Team Trump Embraced Our Enemies, Compromised Our Security, and How We Can Fix It

Read More Malcolm Nance Interviews Here

So before we go any further I need to read some stuff for you. Because this book is good. Everyone, every once in a while I read my books and I go, did I write that? Start Google, you know, every once in a while I’ll run it through a plagiarism checker. I’ve actually had to do that sometime ago, while my wife goes you’re just a good writer, and I go, no I’m not. I just think you’re a good editor.

Continue Reading On The Next Page
Plot To Betray America Book Release At Club Helsinki

Also good reading is Collusion: Secret Meetings, Dirty Money, and How Russia Helped Donald Trump Win


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